Tuesday, 13 April 2010

'Erbs man!

The bed is really taking off this year.

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After my tentative but determined start the bed will be fuller and busier this year.

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More Thyme, more Sage, more Chives and more Parsley. This is the stuff I use all the time.

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The Lavender bit the icy bullet this year so that's coming out. Don't look.

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The Tarragon survived the icy blasts from the East this winter much to my surprise and delight. I think I will propagate this one this year.

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The Rosemary is looking quite chipper following its winter surgery.

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Some of the space I will use for pots. I've got some coriander hardening off outside. That will stay on buckets as the slugs love this stuff.

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The mint is one I bought for my pea soup I made for our come dine with me extravaganza. Yes we did a CDWM.

Anyway, The Mint I had was dying and I bought this one in Sainsbury’s and kept this one in the bucket over wintered in the green house. It survived and I hope that it will grow a little faster now that it's in its final position. You have to keep these bucket bound or the mint will just take over every where.

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Sweet pea Jungle has been started off in route trainers so I'll have my summer fence in position in a couple of weeks.

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